Freya & Seiðrketill Candle Holder

9 Remaining

Worldwide Shipping
● Production time 4-7 business days
● Estimated delivery 2-3 weeks

Product Information
Statue is around 14 cm tall
Well diameter is 5 cm
Made from tough resin and clay/plaster mix
Handpainted in gold or silver finish
Can be used for candles, plants, storage etc
The story & symbolism
This candleholder is in honor of the godess Freya. I call it a candleholder because I just need to have name for it, but in practice you can use the vessel she holds for many things, like plants, making little offerings to Freya, holding things and so on. We all know of wishing upon a well and this can be your portable wishwell or a vessel to talk with those who we cannot always see, but can feel around us.

Freya posesses a necklace which was forged for her by dwarves. It is said to have been very bright and beautiful. There is also a necklace or torc found from Falköping, Sweden called the Allebergskragen which is what I've taken as inspiration for this necklace.

Braided Hair
She was also associated with a form of magic known as Seidr, which in itself was associated with weaving and spinning. Therefore I've depicted her with wavy braided hair and spiral symbols.

Falcon/Hawk Cloak
Freya also has a cloak made of falcon or hawk feathers, which according to the sources that remain functioned similarily to a shapeshifting tool. Other gods have borrowed this cloak to gain the ability of flight or to take on the form of a falcon, thus being similar to how a berserker wears a bear skin to transform into the animal or a ulfhedinn wears the pelt of a wolf to become the wolf.

Cauldron of Seidr
As mentioned above Freya is associated with the magic of Seidr and this cauldron is adorned with cat figures, which Freya is also associated with as she has a carriage pulled by cats. So this cauldron is a tool to activate the seidr magic by spinning in a spiral whats in it. Thus what you offer to it, spin it a couple of times and ask your wishes and wait for a sign from Freya to appear in the coming days.
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Freya & Seiðrketill Candle Holder
9 Remaining

Worldwide Shipping
● Production time 4-7 business days
● Estimated delivery 2-3 weeks