
Geri & Freki

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About the Valhyr store

A store ran by a husband and wife, we wish to create clothing inspired by history and mythology. As back in the day people would sit around a cozy fire and tell tales, our goal is to create apparel that you wear and can tell stories off of. Thats why most of our designs feature a deeper story or elements from norse mythology, folklore and tales - which you can then point out on your garment or jewelry and tell others the stories. For example when you're on a long road trip, a family event, out with your friends or when meeting new people, the aim is that what you get from us is a conversation starter!
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Also Heimdallr has replaced the Gjallahorn with an email service, so we'll notify you through this when Ragnarok starts
● All prices are in USD
● Please make sure all sizes are correct