Freya Chess Pieces
Freya Chess Pieces
Freya Chess Pieces
Freya Chess Pieces
Freya Chess Pieces
Freya Chess Pieces
Worldwide Shipping
● Production time 4-7 business days
● Estimated delivery 2-3 weeks
Custom Made
● Made for you after you order
● Handmade in Estonia, EU
● Type E item
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Product Information
Board made from Estonian oak tree
Woodburned details
Rapeseed oil finish
Board dimensions are 28x28 cm
Pieces made with tough resin
Handpainted in gold or silver finish with a varnish layer for extra protection against use
♙ Shieldmaidens as Pawns
Inspired by many shieldmaiden depictions, like the ones found on guldgubbes and a small pendant. The shieldmaidens were women warriors from sagas and it feels fitting they would follow the goddess of war Freya as their patreon deity.
♖ Völva as Rooks
The magical fortunetelling and staff wielding Völvas were feared even by the gods themselves. The staff that I've depicted them wearing is from history, we have found several of these staves that look like this and they resembel an end of a weaving stick. This is a fullcircle between Freya, Völvas, Seidr and weaving alltogether.
♘ Cats as Knights
Freya is associated with cats, her chariot being pulled by two of them. The cat's I've depicted here are similar to lynxes and those found in Scandinavian forests as I feel those would be the ones they are mentioning in the sagas and myths.
♗ Valkyries as Bishops
As with Odin the Valkryies pick up those fallen in battle and Freya gets to pick half of them she wants. Therefore the Odin and Freya set both have Valkyries as the bishops but with different small details, the Freya set one features Valkyries with long swords and a dotted mask.
♕ Odr as the Queen
The mysterious husband of Freya, she is said to cry tears of gold when Odr leaves - similar to how Odin goes on ventures and then there is the whole fiasco if Frigg and Freya are the same person. Overall the canon is a bit messy, I've depicted them as separate but with hints to eachother and the same with Odin and Odr which you can see.
♔ Freya as the King
The feared goddess herself in all her majesty. Based on the Freya amulet I have she is an elongated version of it and features many things from the orignal piece like the Brisigamen around her neck and her falcon cloak on her back.
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Freya Chess Pieces

Worldwide Shipping
● Production time 4-7 business days
● Estimated delivery 2-3 weeks
Custom Made
● Made for you after you order
● Handmade in Estonia, EU
● Type E item
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