Thor Statue

18 Remaining

Worldwide Shipping
● Production time 4-7 business days
● Estimated delivery 2-3 weeks

Product Information
Statue is around 9 cm tall
Made from tough resin and clay/plaster mix
Handpainted in gold or silver finish
Use as a decorative element or altar piece
The story & symbolism
The protector of mankind and Midgard, a brave and protective but also hot headed deity. My main focus was to depict him as a commoner, someone relatable but also of great authority and a brave leader if the situation demands so. Turn to him if you have issues that need to be faced head-on, when you need to be stubborn or bold and when there is physically demanding tasks. To your home he brings protection and a great loud friendly energy, the sorts of a tavern would have - with a little bit of fun chaos.

As Thor is the protector of mankind and their realm he is featured with a hood, this is a reference to the regular people and in medieval Europe this type of attire was very common - so it's my way of associating him with the commoners. He is seen with a focused and strong face but the beard can give it a happy look as well - this is to symbolize his personality that goes from one end of the mood spectrum to the other.

Seen holding his beard that evolves into three dots, it's inspired by a statue found in Iceland that features a similar design and is believed to be Thor.

Another reference to the common man, this is to symbolize a gambeson - something warriors would wear either on their own or accompanied with a chainmail on top. I don't know how accessible gambesons were though, but most art is depicted with people wearing them so that's why I'm assuming it was a pretty accesible item for those who decided to part-take in a little fisticuffs encounter here and there.

This is the figure that was found in Iceland. It's believed to be Thor because his beard turns into somewhat of a hammer shape - perhaps a reference to Mjölnir. While this can be a reach, I was mostly inspired by this find and made my own take on it.
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Thor Statue
18 Remaining

Worldwide Shipping
● Production time 4-7 business days
● Estimated delivery 2-3 weeks