On your walks into deep forests, should you get lost, listen to the sounds of the branches and the wind. In these sounds lie the whispers that draw you closer to Ullr, who is waiting for you. Leave offerings the size of your palm in nine places. Leave them in stone, wood, moss, and water - on your ninth offering, Ullr will appear with his nine rings, which on each you swear an oath on. After this, he will show you the way out of the forest, were you to ever break any of the oaths, the next time you wake up will be back in that forest
The embodiment of vast and deep nordic forests, trollskog means trolls forest and that is what Ullr is wearing in this piece. His cloak is made of moss, stones and fallen tree branches, which are characteristic of trollskogs. His hat is a large mushroom with a crooked tree growing out of it, and he wears on his branches 9 odal amulets, which symbolise the rings to swear oaths on. Ullr was said to be a god associated with oaths. In this piece he is in summer mode, meaning he does not have his skiis, instead the skiis have merged into being his bow - he can whenever he wishes to break out his skiis from the bow though as he is a great wizard
On his back, he wears his shield, which is said to be able to travel across water. The shield here also symbolizes the sun, which Ullr representing the trollskog is wearing on his back, thus blocking out the sun, as often sun can not reach through the thick trees onto the ground, leaving it hard to navigate - instead you need to rely on other factors like moss on trees
His belt is a waterfall and the undergarment is stones and soil, which lie under the trollskog. His beard is earth worms, and the bottom of his cloak is roots of the trees. And some berries here and there as a cherry on top!
Trollskog Ullr Poster