An Odal to combat misuse and illiteracy on ancient historical symbols
I incorporate a lot of odals in my work, to the point people often ask me whats the deal - and while I have a lot of personal stories and so with the rune, one of the main reasons is i can not stand illiterate hateful people who call everyone that uses this a dark charlie chaplin follower. I have gotten lucky and been extremely blessed to have a pretty wide reach, so i want to create a worry free place for creators who love history, especially the nordic pre-medieval ages, where they dont have to worry that when they use historical things that someone will come after them and bully them. It has happened way too much in this community, seems to have calmed down now luckily.
So here is the Odal Sword reimagined that I first made back when some random hateful person tried to bully me for having giveaways that involve the Odal rune, but thanks to fellas (and majority of that persons followers who diverted after i retaliated lmao) the day was safe after that and has been quite good so therefore I've depicted it with roots and moss around it, as symbolism that the sword has not been used for a while, but its blade is still sharp if needed. The bent shape into an Odal is also a reference of a burial ceremony from the viking age, where buried swords were bent. One theory is that it was done so the sword would be usable in the underworld but not in midgard anymore. So this is also symbolism that aggression is not always the answer, but if a situation requires it, like fighting trolls in the underworld in Nifelheim - then use it.
Odal Against Hate Poster