
News related to the COVID-19

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Coming soon!
I'm currently in the middle of revamping the site, so congrats - you happened to visit at a very special time!:D Anyaway, this part of the site will be back within a day or two

Where's all the MERCH stuff bro?


I've gotten a lot of questions where the Merch/TypeB stuff has gone and they will be back soon, if you have no idea what the Merch/TypeB items are then I've taken this picture below to show you:

Totally did not edit this picture I'm actually holding them all

The thing with these currently is that the shipping and production prices have gotten very out of hand, I ate the price increases until yesterday (28.04.2020) when the prices increased again :/ So on every product sold I would be paying over 5$ on top. Eventhough I don't care about profits at this stage and want these to reach as many people as possible then that wouldn't be very sustainable.

BUT, I have contacted a plethora of different possible partners and am in the process of testing their quality - not sure if they will meet my standards as I'm very very picky but who knows! Maybe this whole fiasco ends up being a step towards something even better.

All orders that came in with these will be fulfilled of course and sent out within 5 days - they should arrive in two weeks unless there are any delays with the local post offices in your area, but in any case you can contact us at if there is any questions or issues with your order!

All the best to you guys and I hope you and your close ones are staying safe!

● All prices are in USD
● Please make sure all sizes are correct